Below is a searchable list of projects completed by Opal's project personnel. Search for key words using the search box or sort any of the columns.
Photo | Project Name | Client | City, State | Sector | Description | Key Words |
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Yorktown | Western | Yorktown, VA | Environmental Remediation | This client requested that Opal evaluate an existing RCRA Corrective Measures Implementation (CMI) program for a petroleum refinery. | RCRA Corrective Measures Implementation CMI petroleum refinery designcost-benefit comparisons redesign oversee negotiated with EPA Region III phase Work Plans Health and Safety Plans field investigations AutoCAD Civil 3D design drawings project specifications construction oversight quality control facility air quality monitoring Corrective Action Management Unit CAMU consolidation of wastes Solid Waste Management Units Area of Concern AOC sludge surface water retention equalization basins tank farm soils dikes process areas repository synthetically lined temporary storm water retention basin contaminated sediments River cement stabilization oily soils sediments API separator Filter Backwash Pond FBP Storm Water Retention Pond SWRP and Equalization Basin EQB slope stability infiltration design evaluations cap 60-mil High Density Polyethylene HDPE Geo-Net geocomposite drainage layer soil barriers vegetative soil coverinstalled implemented Perimeter Air Monitoring Plan PAMP computer automated air quality monitoring stations cleaning television cctv inspection Oily Water Sewer OWS system removal disposal Prime Contractor second phase television inspection cleaning relining lining cure in place CIP |
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River Barrier | Sun Oil | Tulsa, OK | Environmental Remediation, Water Treatment | The Sun Tulsa Refinery is approximately 850 acres in size and was constructed in the early 1900s. The refinery is bordered by the Arkansas River for two and one-half miles. | RCRA designed constructed a barrier wall recovery well system migration of NAPL sheen surface River refinery soil bentonite slurry wall designed installed keyed several regional shale layer prevent mounding dual extraction wells ground water upgradient ground water extraction cones of depression facilitate NAPL recovery skimmer pumps dual-extraction wells conveyance treatment system manage extracted ground water oil/water oilwater separation discharge hydraulic barrier Installation of a slurry wall subsurface remedial systems designing constructing treatment plant riverbank |
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Port Arthur Stabilization | Flint Hills Resources | Port Arthur, TX | Environmental Remediation | Opal refined partial designs and implemented Corrective Measures to cement-stabilize more than 12,500 cubic yards (yd3) of petroleum-contaminated soils and place a compacted soil cover over the stabilized materials at this specialty petroleum refinery. | design implemented Corrective Measures cement-stabilize petroleum-contaminated soils compacted soil cover stabilized materials petroleum refinery dikes cyclohexane storage tank containment capacity stabilized Earthwork underground fire water lines steam piping cyclohexane product lines surface structures firewater monitors pipe racks excavation Level B Personal Protective Equipment PPE Texas Department of Environmental Quality |
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Titanium Dioxide Pond Closure | INVISTA | Seaford, DE | Environmental Remediation | This 650-acre nylon manufacturing facility was the subject of a RCRA Corrective Action under the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) and EPA Region III. | nylon manufacturing facility RCRA Corrective Action Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control DNREC EPA Region III Solid Waste Management Units SWMU identified investigated process settling ponds titanium dioxide sludges dewatering mechanical belt presses centrifuges solidification agents cement kiln dust bentonite peanut hulls hydrogen sulfide H2S testing Super Absorbent Polymer SAP cost-effective solidifying the material truck transport disposal facility polymer cost savings disposal close the impoundments |
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Hi-Yield Remediation Project | VPG | Commerce, TX | Environmental Remediation | Opal personnel assisted the law firm of Guida, Slavich and Flores, P.C. in the evaluation and renegotiation of a Consent Order to remediate residential properties, remove contaminated sediments from an adjacent streambed and cap/encapsulate a former ... | law firm evaluation renegotiation Consent Order remediate residential properties remove contaminated sediments streambed cap encapsulate fertilizer pesticide manufacturing facility Texas State Superfund site soils of elevated levels of arsenic excavation off-site disposal contaminated soils regulatory agencies construction on-site repository mitigate savings PRP investigated designed constructed remedy repository lined capped 20-mil High Density Polyethylene HDPE synthetic liner clay buffer revegetated topsoil transported consolidated landscaped stream bottom banks removed transported dried mixed compacted slurry wall perimeter keyed shale reduce ground water flow surface water |
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Prewitt Site Remediation | ARCO/El Paso Natural Gas | Prewitt, NM | Environmental Remediation, Water Treatment | Contaminated source materials, contaminated ground water and NAPLs in fractured bedrock required remediation at this former 70-acre crude oil refinery 20 miles from Grants, New Mexico. | Contaminated source materials contaminated ground water NAPL fractured bedrock remediation crude oil refinery removing source materials extracting treating groundwater sandstone excavated near-surface lead asbestos petroleum hydrocarbon wastes Separator on-site treatment off-site disposal Asbestos-Containing Materials ACM lead-contaminated soils stabilized separator sludge contaminated debris constructed landfarm treated oil-contaminated ground water installation Soil Vapor Extraction sve Ground Water gw wells extract treat reinject hydrocarbon-contaminated ground water subsurface pumping wells and air injection wells air sparging wells treatment systems liquid ring vacuum pumps compressed air systems pneumatic pumps instrumentation oil water separator air stripping unit Thermal Catalytic Oxidizing Unit TOU Granulated Activated Carbon Units GAC polishing ground water shallow injection discharge system disposal of treated water controls |
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GE Superfund Site | EPA | Albuquerque, NM | Environmental Remediation, Water Treatment | This 100-acre Superfund site project involved remediation of soils and groundwater contaminated by chlorinated organic solvents for GE's Plant 83, Operable Unit 02. | Superfund site remediation soils and groundwater contaminated chlorinated organic solvents for design construct operate ground water design/build Record of Decision ROD rerouted installed ground water extraction reinjection well field piping ground water plumes Preparation implementation work plans Investigation characterization permits groundwater treatment buildings extraction wells injection wells water treatment components groundwater extraction test deep aquifer design above-ground storage tanks treated tested reinjected deep groundwater aquifer design construction shallow deep groundwater aquifers building treatment plant components pumps control room monitors adjusts 70 control points SCADA system treatment equipment train equalization tanks pumps air stripping towers carbon filtration units cone bottom tank groundwater treatment plant dual-containment HDPE pipe trench networks road cuts conveyance pipe rack constructed side bridge. |
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Moab Tailings | Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLC | Moab, UT | Mine Reclamation | Under its US Nuclear Regulatory Agency license, Atlas Corporation required a detailed reclamation plan for a 130-acre, 110-foot high uranium tailings disposal impoundment adjacent to the Colorado River. | US Nuclear Regulatory Agency detailed reclamation plan uranium tailings disposal impoundment River tailing reclamation option off-site transportation repository construction disposal site remediation plan excavation soil tailings disposal facility material pile slimes dust control haul roads cover layer negotiations public meetings repository site characterization options evaluations alternative analysis reclamation plan repository cap surface water erosion control structures |
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Manning Canyon | Bureau of Land Management | Cedar Fort, UT | Mine Reclamation, Civil Construction | Opal was selected by the U. S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to remediate the lead-contaminated Manning Canyon Site in the Oquirrh Mountains of Utah County, Utah. | U. S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management BLM remediate lead-contaminated lead mill tailings waste rock mining milling drainage elevated concentrations lead arsenic excavating hauling consolidation repository capped with geotextiles gravel drainage layer select fill layer revegetated precipitation infiltration wastes Surface water control structures institutional control Construction Lead Contamination Consolidation Earthmoving |
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Burlington Mine Cleanup | Honeywell | Jamestown, CO | Mine Reclamation, Civil Construction | Opal was retained by Honeywell International, Inc. to implement the Voluntary Clean-up Plan for the closure of a former underground fluorspar mine in Boulder County, Colorado. | implement Voluntary Clean-up Plan vcup closure underground fluorspar mine surface features underground workings deep pits shafts reclamation plan demolition surface mine facilities testing removal buried electrical equipment underground fuel tanks consolidation waste rock containing arsenic metals on-site repository mucking cleaning backfilling Adit concrete capping Shaft deep subsidence features relocating a natural drainage channel blasting installation surface water control channels mine pond bird balls wildlife shaft closure Polyurethane Foam PUF perimeter fence soils lime amendment revegetation Waste Rock Consolidation Repository Construction Shaft Closure Pit Closure Adit Closure PUF Installation Channel Blasting Revegetation Wetlands Restoration |
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Glengarry Mine Closure | Hayward Baker, Inc. and USDA Forest Service | Bozeman, MT | Mine Reclamation, Civil Construction | Opal provided surface support for the underground Phase III - Glengarry Mine Closure of the New World Mine proximate to Yellowstone National Park. Primary closure activities involved the mucking, grouting, plugging and backfilling of the first 1,500 feet (460 meters) of the mine tunnel. | surface support underground Phase III closure activities mucking grouting plugging backfilling mine tunnel construction muck dewatering pad sedimentation pond Selective Source Repository lined baffled sediment removal pit dewatered heavy metals muck storage pad Sedimentation Pond Muck Pad Muck Hauling and Dewatering |
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Pillsbury Excavation | Koch Materials Company | Pillsbury, ND | Environmental Remediation | This site was the former location of an asphalt emulsions plant. Contaminated soils were excavated by Opal and transported seventy-five miles one-way for disposal at the City of Fargo Landfill. | asphalt emulsions plant contaminated soils excavated transported disposal off-site clean clay fill backhauling trucking Excavation Transportation Disposal |
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Maclean Fire Suppression | Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining: Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program | Helper, UT | Mine Reclamation | The former Maclean coal mine was a large mining operation located in the historic mining district approximately four miles west of Helper, Utah. | coal mine fire Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining fire front inject FEM-12® fire extinguishing agent Global Positioning System (GPS) survey surficial expression cracks fissures steam burnt vegetation infra-red aerial surveying exploration drilling thermocouple installation injection sites fire suppression extinguishing Abandoned Mine Fire Suppression GPS Drilling Thermocouple Installation Extinguishing Agent Injection |
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Retort Demolition | Unocal | Parachute, CO | Demolition, Mine Reclamation | Oil shale operations at this facility, located in the mountains of western Colorado, included mining, crushing, gaseous extraction, and petroleum processing and refining. | Oil shale facility retort decommissioning plan work sulfur recovery oil shale transfer retort managed demolition decommissioning Conduct inspection hazard assessment site specific health and safety plan inventory electronic database Marketed equipment demolished structures piping salvage buildings hydraulic shears blasting |
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SVE/AS Design | - | Aztec, NM | Water Treatment | The Service Station is an active fueling station and convenience store. In 1992 a confirmed release was reported to the petroleum storage tank bureau of the NMED. | Service Station fueling station release petroleum storage tank bureau NMED cleanup activities removal free product soil vapor extraction sve air sparging AS highway downstream Remediation NMED concluded remediation levels design install operate SVE/Air Sparge system residual petroleum products soils groundwater migrating offsite design management Preparation design packages remedial action work plans design/construction drawings technical specifications Design construction management Oversight Soil Vapor Extraction wells Air Sparging wells Installation SVE and AS System Monitoring Soil Vapor Extraction Air Sparging |
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Beaumont Barge Facility | Beaumont Methanol, Ltd. Partnership | Beaumont, TX | Civil Construction | Opal personnel managed the construction of a barge unloading dock at an active chemical facility. The project included dredging of approximately 10,000 cubic yards of river sediments from the Neeches River channel for the new barge unloading facility. | managed construction barge unloading dock chemical facility dredging river sediments channel concrete pilings dolphins breasting bumper concrete bents precast concrete girders deck poured in place concrete slab vapor skid pad loading arms pad containment curbs sump steel pipe barge slip corrosion resistant coating bumpers mooring ties Dock Harbor Construction Barge Unloading Facility |
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Chemical Petroleum Exchange | Reiss Remediation, L.L.C./Koch Industries | Forest View, IL | Environmental Remediation | Opal excavated soils contaminated by lead, arsenic, petroleum hydrocarbons and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from around various building and tank ring foundations at an active asphalt production facility. | excavated soils contaminated lead arsenic petroleum hydrocarbons polyaromatic hydrocarbons PAHs building tank ring foundations active asphalt production facility Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives TACO Tier 1 off-site disposal demolished concrete materials disposed backfilled clean compacted soils road base Soils Excavation Petroleum Contaminated Soils Off-Site Transportation & Disposal |
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Castle Rock Amphitheatre | CH2M Hill Constructors, Inc. / Town of Castle Rock | Castle Rock, CO | Civil Construction | Opal Group, Inc. was subcontracted by CH2M Hill Constructors, Inc. (CCI) to provide earthmoving services and to construct recreational facilities as part of a multimillion dollar infrastructure improvement project for the Town of Castle Rock. | Work Plans Demolition Excavation Retaining Walls Recreational Facilities Ball Fields Building Construction Irrigation System Landscaping earthmoving services construct infrastructure improvement demolition park facilities sidewalks excavation grading ball field complex storm water retention dikes retaining walls block amphitheatre gazebo sidewalks restroom storage building irrigation systems landscaping excavated transported off-site |
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Cunningham Q-Tip | Cunningham Q-Tip, L.L.C. | Denver, CO | Environmental Remediation | Opal was retained by a property Trust to evaluate petroleum hydrocarbon contamination and remedial alternatives for two properties in Denver, Colorado. | Design/Build Remedial Action evaluate petroleum hydrocarbon contamination remedial alternatives evaluation of potential remediation costs, and submittal of Site Characterization Reports SCRs Corrective Action Plans CAPs Colorado Department of Labor and Employment CDLE Oil and Public Safety OPS Division waste oil recovery refining cost reimbursement Colorado Petroleum Storage Tank Fund corrective measures turnkey basis |
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Dodge City Waterline | Koch Nitrogen CO. | Dodge City, KS | Civil Construction | Opal completed the design and installed a 7,500-ft long 3-inch diameter High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) SDR 11 water line to supply potable water to residences from the City of Dodge City's water main from Highway 50 along County Road 116. | Permitting, Engineering Design, Waterline Replacement, Deep Excavation, Boring design installed High Density Polyethylene HDPE SDR 11 water line potable water water main deep directional drilling installation epoxy-coated protective steel casingrailroad right-of-way flushed pressure tested disinfected chlorine pipe line water supply |
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Fields Brook Superfund Site | de maximis, Inc./Fields Brook Action Group | Ashtabula, OH | Environmental Remediation | The Fields Brook Superfund Site is located in an industrialized area of Ashtabula, OH. Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH's), chlorinated solvents, metals, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB's), radionuclides, and metals contaminated Fields Brook and its surrounding floodplain ... | Repository Construction, Stream Sediment/Contaminated Soil Excavation, Work Plans Superfund Site is Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons PAH chlorinated solvents metals Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCB's radionuclides and metals contaminated floodplain discharges river construct hazardous waste containment repository excavated sediments construction repository vault Excavated soils transported haul road |
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Tank Demolition and Removal | Flint Hills Resources | Algona, IA | Demolition | Opal was retained by Flint Hills Resources to clean and remove materials from four leaking above ground tanks at an asphalt manufacturing facility. Demolition and salvage of each of the four tanks. | Asphalt Tank Demolition Removal clean remove materials above ground tanks ast asphalt manufacturing facility Demolition salvage tanks Non-hazardous materials disposed off-site |
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Diesel Fuel Cleanup | Western Refining Wholesale Inc | Lordsburg, NM | Environmental Remediation | Approximately 3,000 gallons of diesel fuel were released to the easement and soils below the paved shoulder of an active highway due to a trucking accident approximately six miles to the northwest of Lordsburg, New Mexico. | Design/Build Diesel Fuel Spill Removal diesel fuel easement soils paved shoulder highway contaminated soils designed constructed auger holes reinforced concrete barrier wall soldier beam caissons off-site disposal facility |
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Abandoned Station Closures | Reiss Remediation, Inc. | TX, NM, OK, CO | Environmental Remediation, Demolition | Opal was retained by Reiss Remediation, Inc. to demolish and close over 40 abandoned crude oil truck loading stations leased by a major pipeline company and located at various locations in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana, Kansas and Colorado. | Demolition, Excavation, Transportation and Disposal, Soil Remediation demolish close crude oil truck loading stations removal capping buried underground pipelines asbestos surveys demolition surface structures buildings hazardous materials asbestos paints nickel cadmium batteries PCB-containing transformers salvage |
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Resort Pool | Westin Hotels | St. John, U.S.V.I | Civil Construction, Demolition | This project consisted primarily of the fast-track design and construction of a new swimming pool at a five-star resort on the island of St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. | Demolition, Deep Pile Foundations, Flatwork, Fast-Track Target-Value Incentive Contract fast-track design construction swimming pool five-star resort hotel negotiated construction construction management redesign replacement demolition removal hurricane Demolition materials disposed landscaped visual barrier Permits beach landings materials equipment steel H-piles cathodic protection system corrosion concrete reinforced epoxy-coated reinforcing bar Diamond-Brite coating marble tile stone coping fiber-optic lighting system fountain internal palm tree landscaped islands renovation pool pumps filters |
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Uranium Leach Facility | Umetco Minerals Corporation | Maybell, CO | Environmental Remediation, Mine Reclamation | Umetco Minerals Corporation (subsidiary of Dow Chemical Company) selected Opal to demolish surface structures, close two liquid storage ponds (2.5 acres and 1.1 acres) and complete rock surfacing of its former uranium heap leach facility in Maybell, Colorado, ... | Waste Stabilization Neutralization demolish surface structures close storage ponds rock surfacing uranium heap leach facility radioactive acidic liquids sludges limestone crusher fines clay cap radon flux earthmoving earthwork riprap heap capped stabilized construct surface water controls reclamation plan |
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Stapleton Voluntary Closure | City and County of Denver | Denver, CO | Environmental Remediation | The City and County of Denver agreed to perform a Voluntary Corrective Action to close a former waste disposal area. The site is located on property near the former Stapleton International Airport in Denver, Colorado. | Multi-Media Cap, Slurry Wall, Stream Bank Modifications The City and County of Denver agreed to perform a Voluntary Corrective Action to close a former waste disposal area. The site is located on property near the former Stapleton International Airport in Denver, Colorado. The purpose of the corrective action was to contain a former unauthorized six-acre drum disposal landfill area. The closure was made particularly difficult due its close proximity to the Sand Creek stream channel and adjacent Sierra Club wetlands area. The key elements of the corrective action, implemented by Opal Group, L.L.C. personnel, included the following: Construction of a 1,850 linear foot bentonite slurry containment wall surrounding the landfill area. The slurry wall averaged 25 feet in depth and was keyed two feet into a regional shale layer. Installation of a 6-acre composite cap over the landfill area. Restoration of approximately 600 linear feet of tributary embankment. Excavation and placement of 67,000 cubic yards of soil for composite landfill cap. |
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Asphalt Plant Demolition | Koch Materials Company | Heath, OH | Environmental Remediation, Demolition | Opal was retained by Koch Materials Company to demolish a former asphalt plant for future sale of the property including an office building, laboratory and maintenance shop. | Demolition, Transportation and Disposal, ACM Abatement, Soil Remediation Opal was retained by Koch Materials Company to demolish a former asphalt plant for future sale of the property including an office building, laboratory and maintenance shop. The project included 1) acquisition of demolition and storm water discharge permits, 2) the removal of salvageable equipment, 3) the removal of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) and insulation, 4) demolition of plant tanks, piping and appurtenant facilities, and regrading of the site. Products remaining within the tanks and plant facilities were removed and disposed in accordance with their chemical and physical characteristics and applicable regulations. Fifty tanks ranging in size up to 3.2 million gallons, 118 feet in diameter, and 40 feet high were demolished and removed from the site. Salvageable materials including steel, aluminum and asphalt were transported from the site by truck and rail and sold to partially off-set the cost of demolition and decommissioning of the plant. |
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Wilmington Source Removal | Koch Industries | Wilmington, NC | Environmental Remediation | Work Plans (EPA Region IV), Soil Neutralization, Soil Lead Stabilization, Transportation and Disposal Opal was selected by competitive bid to implement a Source Removal project at the former Northeast Chemical plant site in Wilmington, North Carolina adjacent to the Cape Fear River. | Work Plans (EPA Region IV), Soil Neutralization, Soil Lead Stabilization, Transportation and Disposal Opal was selected by competitive bid to implement a Source Removal project at the former Northeast Chemical plant site in Wilmington, North Carolina adjacent to the Cape Fear River. The site was delineated with flood protection berms that were removed and replaced as part of this work. The project involved preparation and approval of work plans, the removal of lead and arsenic contaminated soils, neutralizing 5,707 yd3 of low pH soils, stabilizing 1,877 yd3 of lead to pass leachability criteria, and off-site transportation and disposal of a total of 11,382 tons of affected soils. Lead soils were stabilized utilizing American Minerals’ Enviro-Blend chemical amendment. |
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Muskegon Chemical Company | Koch Chemical Companys | Whitehall, MI | Demolition | Opal Group, Inc. has been contracted to demolish and dispose of associated materials from the MCC Site in Whitehall, Michigan. | Work Plans, Demolition, Transportation and Disposal, Soil Remediation Opal Group, Inc. has been contracted to demolish and dispose of associated materials from the MCC Site in Whitehall, Michigan. The Muskegon Chemical Company (MCC) site includes 19.6 acres of the Koch Chemical Company production facility and contamination originating from the facility that may have moved offsite. The contamination associated with the site is known to have migrated one-half mile southwest of the facility to Mill Pond Creek. The surrounding area is zoned commercial, but at present is primarily residential. Approximately 6,400 people obtain drinking water from public and private wells within three miles of the site. A private well is located 1,250 feet north of the chemical company. Surface water within three miles downstream of the site is used for recreational activities. Mill Pond and Mill Pond Creek are 2,500 feet from the site, and White Lake is 7,000 feet away from the site. |
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Structural Distress Investigation | Guida, Slavich & Flores, PC | Denver, CO | Claims Analysis | Monarch Ceramic Tile, Inc. occupied a warehouse utilized for the storage, sale and distribution of various tile products. The warehouse floor settled substantially, leading to large and extensive cracking throughout the building. | Landfill, Forensic Analyses, Ground Penetrating Radar, Structural Cracking Monarch Ceramic Tile, Inc. occupied a warehouse utilized for the storage, sale and distribution of various tile products. The warehouse floor settled substantially, leading to large and extensive cracking throughout the building. Mudjacking of the slab was employed by the landlord in an effort to correct the problem. Opal was retained by outside counsel of Monarch Ceramic Tile, Inc. to evaluate the cause(s) of the cracking and determine whether or not corrective measures implemented by the landlord were adequate to continue operations in the facility. In making this determination, Opal used Ground Penetrating Radar to geophysically survey the foundation materials below the slab and a level land survey to determine relative top-of-slab elevations throughout the warehouse. Results of the surveys showed subsurface utilities, a very loose landfill below the structure and water-producing building features where the greatest slab deformations were observed. |
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Jet Fuel Tank Remediation | Weston Solutions, Inc. | Denver, CO | Environmental Remediation | Waterline Replacement, Deep Excavation, Petroleum Contaminated Soils, Transportation & Disposal Opal removed asphalt pavement, segregated a potable water supply line and installed a new 800-ft 8-inch diameter water line around a former United Airlines jet fuel tank farm at the former Stapleton airport. | Waterline Replacement, Deep Excavation, Petroleum Contaminated Soils, Transportation & Disposal Opal removed asphalt pavement, segregated a potable water supply line and installed a new 800-ft 8-inch diameter water line around a former United Airlines jet fuel tank farm at the former Stapleton airport. Once the line was relocated, Opal excavated more than 45,000 cubic yards (yd3) of soils from an approximate 200-ft x 200-ft area. Clean soils were segregated and stockpiled from those materials that were contaminated. Approximately, 9,770 yd3 of contaminated soils were transported off-site and disposed in an approved facility. The approximate 30-foot deep excavation was then backfilled with clean compacted soils, including the previously segregated materials. |
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Universal Waste and Asbestos Removal | Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Corporation | Florence, CO | Demolition | Opal provided waste removal services for a defunct Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Corporation wallboard plant in Florence, Colorado. | Opal provided waste removal services for a defunct Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Corporation wallboard plant in Florence, Colorado. The work consisted of 1) removal and destruction of personnel records containing information that would be susceptible to identity theft other remaining plant paper records and drawings that could create a fire hazard, 2) identification and legal disposal of residual laboratory chemicals and chemical products within the plant, and 3) removal and legal disposal of exposed pipe insulation on about 225 lineal feet of exterior water supply lines that was found to contain friable asbestos. The above-ground portions of the pipes were insulated and jacketed. A prior hazardous materials survey identified the presence of friable asbestos within the lower 30-foot section of the middle pipe and along the entire length of the northernmost water line. Work was performed in accordance with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s (CDPHE’s) Regulation No. 8 – Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants 5CCR 1001-10. The project was particularly complex because the water lines were located on steep slopes adjacent to the main plant building. A variance was issued by the CDPHE approving an alternate procedure for asbestos removal, rather than typically encapsulating the pipes on the steep slope in negative-pressure tents. The alternate procedure included continuous plastic wrap sealing of the asbestos covered pipes, removal and end-sealing of an approximate two-foot long section of asbestos at approximate 18 to 20-foot long intervals on each line using glove bags and smoke testing to ensure a tight seal, torch cutting of the pipe sections, and crane removal of the sealed pipe sections into double-lined containers for off-site disposal at an approved facility. During the asbestos abatement, asbestos materials that were found below the pipes from previous insulation removal activities were collected along with surrounding soils, bagged and disposed as friable asbestos materials along with the pipe sections. |
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Building and Pipe Demolition | - | Plover, WI | Demolition | Opal was retained to demolish a former residence and a 50-foot x 40-foot post-column structure with 18-inch thick floor slabs formerly used to house process equipment. | Opal was retained to demolish a former residence and a 50-foot x 40-foot post-column structure with 18-inch thick floor slabs formerly used to house process equipment. Extensive underground lines were removed to depths of up to 20 feet below grade around the facility and leading from the facility to an adjacent river. Following demolition and removal of materials, pipe trenches were backfilled, gravel access roads were stripped, the site was regraded and all disturbed areas were reseeded. |
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Lime Kilns Stabilization | Pitkin County | Thomasville, CO | Civil Construction | Pitkin County and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) retained Opal to stabilize two structurally-distressed historic (1888) lime kilns. | Pitkin County and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) retained Opal to stabilize two structurally-distressed historic (1888) lime kilns. The kilns are 16 feet square and 20 feet in height. The work involved clearing vegetation from on the kilns, installing scaffolding, removing and rebuilding the uppermost four-feet of red sandstone block around the top of each kiln, re-pointing and replacing loose stone in the walls, infilling large thermal/settlement cracks on the sides, and repairing the chamber ceilings and covers. |
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CPM Scheduling | Paul C. Rizzo Associates | Lexington, SC | Scheduling | Opal provided Critical Path Method (CPM) scheduling and cost-estimating assistance to Paul C. Rizzo Associates, related to a $200 million Saluda dam Roller-Compacted-Concrete seismic refurbishment performed for South Carolina Electric & Gas Company. | Opal provided Critical Path Method (CPM) scheduling and cost-estimating assistance to Paul C. Rizzo Associates, related to a $200 million Saluda dam Roller-Compacted-Concrete seismic refurbishment performed for South Carolina Electric & Gas Company. The scheduling was to ensure that the Prime Contractor remained on schedule due to critical scheduling milestones. In addition, assistance was provided in evaluating the prime contract language and RCC price quotations for the work. |
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Ash Pond Closure | - | Seaford, DE | Expert Witness | The expansion of Interstate 25 (TREX Project) required the acquisition of various properties, some of which were contaminated by prior manufacturing operations. Opal was retained by legal counsel to evaluate the extent of contamination of the former... | The expansion of Interstate 25 (TREX Project) required the acquisition of various properties, some of which were contaminated by prior manufacturing operations. Opal was retained by legal counsel to evaluate the extent of contamination of the former Bell Plumbing and Heating Company property that had been extensively contaminated by leaking underground gasoline storage tanks. This work entailed evaluation of the site, determining the effectiveness of various remedial alternatives, projecting the required longevity of remediation, estimating costs associated with the remedy, and providing expert witness testimony during trial. |
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Nirvana Hotel Scheduling | Golder Associates | Dead Sea, Israel | Scheduling, Cost Estimation | Opal was retained by Golder Associates to provide feasibility-level cost estimates and construction scheduling associated with Golder's design of protective ground water measures for the Nirvana Hotel located adjacent to the Dead Sea. | Opal was retained by Golder Associates to provide feasibility-level cost estimates and construction scheduling associated with Golder's design of protective ground water measures for the Nirvana Hotel located adjacent to the Dead Sea. The hotel and its facilities were being impacted by a rapidly increasing ground water table influenced by the Dead Sea and adjacent brine ponds. Opal provided numerous cost estimates and CPM schedules for a variety of mitigating construction scenarios involving various types of ground water barriers and configurations. |
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Southport Mine Reclamation | Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining | Tooele County, Utah | Mine Reclamation | The Southport and Settlement Canyon Project area is located directly east of Stockton and south of Tooele, in Tooele County, Utah. The project area takes in the western most reach of the central portion of the Oquirrh Mountains, between Settlement and Soldier Canyons. | The Southport and Settlement Canyon Project area is located directly east of Stockton and south of Tooele, in Tooele County, Utah. The project area takes in the western most reach of the central portion of the Oquirrh Mountains, between Settlement and Soldier Canyons. A total of 292 features were inventoried for this project. Of that 191 openings were referred to as mine features. Of the 191 features, 169 require reclamation. The inventory included locating, tagging, photographing and measuring each mine feature. To accomplish these objectives, compatible Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were selected and employed. A Trimble Pathfinder® real-time differential GPS receiver (XRS) and a GPS receiver with post-processing differential correction (GeoExplorer 3) were used to log the roads/paths to, and positions of, the mine sites as shown in the Construction Drawings contained in Appendix A. The inventory was thoroughly conducted using a combination of four-wheel drive vehicles, all-terrain vehicles and extensive walking routes. Mine Inventory, GPS, GIS, Reclamation Design |
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Soils Removal and Land Application | Reiss Remediation Inc. | Kansas | Environmental Remediation | Nitrate-Impacted soils excavation, utilities replacement or relocation, clean backfill replacement of excavated soils, civil surface fine grading and controlled land application of excavated soils. Opal was retained by Reiss Remediation Inc. to implement an Interim Voluntary Clean-up Plan for the removal of nitrate-impacted ... | Nitrate-Impacted soils excavation, utilities replacement or relocation, clean backfill replacement of excavated soils, civil surface fine grading and controlled land application of excavated soils. Opal was retained by Reiss Remediation Inc. to implement an Interim Voluntary Clean-up Plan for the removal of nitrate-impacted soils at six former Koch Agri Services Facilities in Central Kansas. The facilities were former grain silos and liquid and dry fertilizer distribution centers. The excavation removed high-nitrate source materials that were leaching nitrates to the groundwater. Specific activities included: delineation of the nitrate impacted soils, excavation and transportation of excavated soils to the land application sites identification and coordination of the removal and relocation of site utilities backfilling, final grading and surface rock installation, site restoration land application of previously excavated soils at specific agronomic rates suitable for plant nutrition |
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Spill Containment Pits Clean-out | Koch Nitrogen Company | Beatrice, NE | Environmental Remediation | Soil Reclamation and Land Application Removal of scales and cleaning of spill containment pits for one 80-ft long x 13-ft wide x 7-ft. deep rail load out pit and four similarly sized truck load outs. Bulk liquid fertilizer and sediments were removed from the pits, mixed with soils and transported... | Soil Reclamation and Land Application Removal of scales and cleaning of spill containment pits for one 80-ft long x 13-ft wide x 7-ft. deep rail load out pit and four similarly sized truck load outs. Bulk liquid fertilizer and sediments were removed from the pits, mixed with soils and transported off site for land application purposes. The mixture was precisely applied over farm land for used as plant nutrients. |
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Hertz Excavation | O & M, Inc. | Denver, CO | Environmental Remediation | Deep Excavation, Petroleum Contaminated Soils, Transportation & Disposal Opal excavated 6,033 cubic yards of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soils from a former rental car facility at the defunct Stapleton Airport in Denver, CO. A deep excavation, extending more than 55 feet below the existing ground surface was performed ... | Deep Excavation, Petroleum Contaminated Soils, Transportation & Disposal Opal excavated 6,033 cubic yards of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soils from a former rental car facility at the defunct Stapleton Airport in Denver, CO. A deep excavation, extending more than 55 feet below the existing ground surface was performed across an approximate 60-ft x 60-ft area at the surface. Opal segregated clean soils from contaminated and loaded the contaminated materials along with buried debris on to more than 377 trucks for disposal at Waste Management, Inc.’s D.A.D.S. waste disposal landfill in Aurora, CO. Once all contaminated soils had been removed, Opal replaced the excavated soils with a compacted granular backfill so that the site could later be reused as part of the City of Denver’s Stapleton Redevelopment Plan. |
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Laramie VRP | L.C. Holdings, Inc. | Laramie, WY | Environmental Remediation | Site investigation and Heavy Metals Remediation Opal was retained by L.C. Holdings to remediate a 31-acre site with five structures and multiple silos through Wyoming's Voluntary Remediation Program. Opal managed the project from concept to completion by first coordinating with Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) to investigate the site to determine the amounts and types of contaminants present. | Site investigation and Heavy Metals Remediation Opal was retained by L.C. Holdings to remediate a 31-acre site with five structures and multiple silos through Wyoming's Voluntary Remediation Program. Opal managed the project from concept to completion by first coordinating with Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) to investigate the site to determine the amounts and types of contaminants present. Opal’s investigation included groundwater and soil borings samples, an asbestos survey, and multiple laboratory tests including TCLP. Based on the findings, Opal then proposed and executed a remediation plan to remove asbestos from within the buildings and heavy metal contaminants from across the site. Opal worked closely with the client, the WDEQ and concerned local residents to develop a comprehensive remediation plan that adhered to a prescribed schedule and budget |
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Sullivan's Ledge Superfund | Sullivan’s Ledge Project Management Committee | New Bedford, MA | Environmental Remediation | The closure of Sullivan's Ledge Superfund Site Operable Unit was performed in three phases and project managed by Opal, Inc. personnel. The remediation included the following source removal and ground water treatment elements:... | The Sullivan’s Ledge Superfund Site is located in New Bedford, Massachusetts, in a highly commercialized and recreational area. The site was a former quarry that was used to dispose both municipal sanitary and industrial wastes. The closure of the site required extensive coordination with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region I, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, an active citizens group, Potentially Responsible Parties, the City of New Bedford, and an adjacent municipal golf course. The closure of Sullivan’s Ledge Superfund Site Operable Unit was performed in three phases and project managed by Opal, Inc. personnel. The remediation included the following source removal and ground water treatment elements: • Preparation of remedial action work plans for each phase of work, • Excavation of approximately 5,000 cubic yards of soils impacted by PCBs VOCs and metals from an adjacent stream and tributary, stabilization and onsite consolidation of excavated sediments, • Lining of a stream channel with 800 lineal feet of 72-inch prestressed concrete pipe culvert in the main channel and HDPE in the southern tributary, • Construction of a 60 gpm groundwater extraction and UV/Oxidation treatment system, • Installation of a 400-foot of soil/bentonite slurry wall to a maximum depth of 75 feet, • Placement of utility and drainage conduits under an adjacent high-use road. • Excavation of portions of contaminated sludges and sediments from an adjacent stream and golf course, stabilization of the excavated soils, and onsite consolidation of the stabilized materials. • Construction of a 13-acre disposal area cap and restoration of wetland areas. |
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Truck Loadout Facility Improvements | KOCH Nitrogen Company | Beatrice, NE | Environmental Remediation | Opal prepared Construction Management Plan and Design Drawings for Improvements on a truck loadout facility at the KNC Plant. The plant is comprised of four adjacent truck scale pads, where trucks are loaded with up to 5,000 gallons of liquid fertilizer per load. | Opal prepared Construction Management Plan and Design Drawings for Improvements on a truck loadout facility at the KNC Plant. The plant is comprised of four adjacent truck scale pads, where trucks are loaded with up to 5,000 gallons of liquid fertilizer per load. The mechanical scales have recently been replaced by a flow metering system rendering the scales no longer necessary. Opal is also providing Construction Oversight, Scheduling and As-Built documentation for the two phases of the project. In order to mitigate concerns regarding health and safety, overspill containment, and stormwater control, the following modifications were implemented at the KNC truck loadout facility: Removal of the scale plate and underlying mechanisms as steel scrap within the concrete scale pits; Cleaning of the inside concrete surface of the scale pit; Plug and abandon the existing draining system on the loadout pits; A new trench drain with underground piping system was installed within each pit and loadout area upon completion of backfilling operations and was connected to an existing sump; Backfilling and engineered compaction (in lifts) was completed using structural fill within the scale pits to near the top of the pit walls; Pouring of a sloped concrete slab to the drain within the confines of the scale pit walls; Concrete areas underneath pipe racks between scale pits replaced and sloped appropriately; An existing berm system on the access and exit driveways was demolished and the surface graded, re-directed and paved. |
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Water Treatment Plant Demolition | Hardage Site Remedy Corp | Lindsay, OK | Demolition | Opal was retained to coordinate the decommissioning and perform the field demolition activities, including demolition and waste removal, metals recycling, and marketable equipment sale for a groundwater treatment plant at the Royal Hardage Superfund Site in Lindsay, OK. | Opal was retained to coordinate the decommissioning and perform the field demolition activities, including demolition and waste removal, metals recycling, and marketable equipment sale for a groundwater treatment plant at the Royal Hardage Superfund Site in Lindsay, OK. The project included removal and decontamination of water treatment equipment consisting of pumps, tanks, piping and other process equipment that was saleable, recyclable or disposable as non-hazardous materials. |