Opal Group Inc.

Monarch Ceramic Tile, Inc. Warehouse Structural Distress

Guida, Slavich & Flores, PC

Denver, CO

Monarch Ceramic Tile, Inc. occupied a warehouse utilized for the storage, sale and distribution of various tile products. The warehouse floor settled substantially, leading to large and extensive cracking throughout the building. Mudjacking of the slab was employed by the landlord in an effort to correct the problem. Opal was retained by outside counsel of Monarch Ceramic Tile, Inc. to evaluate the cause(s) of the cracking and determine whether or not corrective measures implemented by the landlord were adequate to continue operations in the facility. In making this determination, Opal used Ground Penetrating Radar to geophysically survey the foundation materials below the slab and a level land survey to determine relative top-of-slab elevations throughout the warehouse. Results of the surveys showed subsurface utilities, a very loose landfill below the structure and water-producing building features where the greatest slab deformations were observed.


Type of Work: Landfill, Forensic Analyses, Ground Penetrating Radar, Structural Cracking


Services: Litigation

Related Projects: Historic Building Stabilization