Opal Group Inc.

Nitrate-Impacted Soils Removal and Engineered Land Application

Reiss Remediation Inc./Koch Industries

Bennington, Beverly, Clifton, Culver, Jewell and Solomon; Kansas

Opal was retained by Reiss Remediation Inc. to implement an Interim Voluntary Clean-up Plan for the removal of nitrate-impacted soils at six former Koch Agri Services Facilities in Central Kansas. The facilities were former grain silos and liquid and dry fertilizer distribution centers. The excavation removed high-nitrate source materials that were leaching nitrates to the groundwater.

Specific activities included:


Type of Work: Nitrate-Impacted soils, Utilities , fine grading, Land application


Services: Environmental Remediation

Related Projects:Excavation, Excavation, Excavation, Soil Stabilization