Continued Excavation TSWRB.
Backfill C6 Excavation.
Complete C6 NAPL Excavation.
Began C-6 NAPL Area excavation.
Began construction of TSWRB.
Surveyed boundaries for SWMU 9, 10, 8.
Began construction of South berm of Temporary Stormwater Retention Basin.
Chipping in SWMU 2 begins.
Began preparing CAMU West test pad area.
Proof rolling in CAMU West. Clearing SWMU 2 continues.
Clearing CAMU West. Clearing SWMU 2 begins.
Clearing CAMU West.
Surveying CAMU West.
Clearing and Surveying CAMU West.
Continue Clearing SWMU 5 North and SWMU 6.
Access Road and locate SWMU 6 excavation areas.
SWMU 5 and SWMU 6 mowing.
Background PAMP monitoring.
Background PAMP monitoring.
Clearing and surveying of SWMU 6. Background PAMP monitoring.
Clearing and surveying of SWMU 6. Background PAMP monitoring.
Surveyors begin work.
Envirocon work crew begin site orientation.