Day 14 of Pilot Study.
Day 13 of Pilot Study.
Day 12 of Pilot Study.
Day 11 of Pilot Study.
Day Ten of Pilot Study.
Day Nine of Pilot Study.
Day Eight of Pilot Study.
Day Seven of Pilot Study.
Day Six of Pilot Study.
Day Five of Stage 1 Pilot Study.
Day Four of Stage 1 Pilot Study.
Day Three of Stage 1 Pilot Study.
Day Two of Stage 1 Pilot Study.
Day One of Stage 1 Pilot Study.
Prepare for Stage 1 of Pilot Study.
Topo survey of SWRP TSWRB 40ml liner delivered to site.
Place Dredge into SWRP Continue CAMU Berms and Access Egress Ramps.
Set Up and Calibrate Survey Equipment for Dredge.
Dredge Mobilized to Site RFIs and Transmittals Attached.
Begin welding HDPE for upcoming dredge operations.
Continued preparation CAMU berms and TSWRB.
Complete final SWMU 8 hot spot excavation.
Continued Excavation SWMU 8.
Begin SWMU 8 Excavation and N Berm Construction.
Continued Excavation TSWRB.