Continued placement of sand cover on geosynthetics at south half of CAMU; Continued removal of OWS-C East at SE corner of CAMU
Continued placement of sand cover on geosynthetics at south half of CAMU; Continued removal of OWS-C East at SE corner of CAMU
Continued placement of sand cover on geosynthetics at south half of CAMU; Continued removal of OWS-C East at SE corner of CAMU
Continued placement of sand cover on geosynthetics at south half of CAMU; Began removal of remaining sections of OWS-C East at SE corner of CAMU
Continued placement of sand cover on geosynthetics at south half of CAMU;
Continued placement of sand cover on geosynthetics at south half of CAMU;
Continued placement of sand cover on geosynthetics at south half of CAMU;
Completed BCP excavation and began placement of sand cover on geosynthetics at south third of CAMU
Continued BCP excavation and placement of geosynthetics at south third of CAMU
Continued BCP excavation and placement of geosynthetics at south third of CAMU
Continued BCP excavation and placement of geosynthetics at south third of CAMU
Began BCP excavation; Continued placement of geosynthetics at south third of CAMU
Limited work crew onsite; Checked status of liner and dewatered after rains and wind last night
Placed SKAPS 330 at south section of CAMU; Prepared work areas for heavy winds and rain forecasted for tonight
Completed SKAPS 220 geocomposite at southeast section of CAMU and began placement of SKAPS 330; Completed excavation of SWMU 6 asbestos areas and Area M
Completed deployment of 60 ml geomembrane at south third of CAMU and began placement of SKAPS 220 geocomposite
Continued to deploy 60 ml geomembrane which progressed from SW corner to west slope of CAMU; Excavated Area M asbestos material under supervision of Western AB personnel
Continued to deploy 60 ml geomembrane at SW corner of CAMU
Too windy to deploy 60 ml geomembrane; Continued hauling waste from SWMU 7 SWRP and SWMU 6;
Limited work crew disced and compacted southwest face of CAMU and dewatered SWMU 7 SWRP;
Continued deployment of 60 ml liner to southwest corner of CAMU;
Continued deployment of 60 ml liner to south section of CAMU; Complete final scraping/excavation of SWRP Cell 3
Began deployment of liner at southeast section of CAMU;
Continue final waste grading and compaction at south section of CAMU; Excavated test pits along CAMU East/SWMU 6 fenceline;
No waste hauled to CAMU due to rain; Continued final scraping/excavation of SWRP Cell 3; Grade and compact CAMU surface
Begin final scraping/excavation of SWRP Cell 3; Finish SWMU 6 Haul Rd Excavation
Grade and compact CAMU waste; Worked until 3:30; No work tomorrow